The following guide has been provided to ensure the correct routing of forms and to facilitate faster processing.
We kindly request that you refrain from emailing forms directly to an MSSC employee. All forms should be submitted to the main [email protected] email. Individual staff are unable to prioritize or rush forms that are sent directly to them. All forms will be processed in the order in which they are received at [email protected].
Please note that while forms are generally processed within 5 business days of receipt, there are several peak periods, (graduation, priority registration period, etc.) when processing time may take longer.
Submit to MSSC: [email protected]
- Change of Major, Minor, Concentration, Catalog Year
- Graduate Change of Program
- Secondary Graduate Certificate
- Senior Citizen Waiver Program
- Study Elsewhere
Submit to Degree Audit: [email protected]
- Late Graduation Applications
- Subs/Waivers
All other Forms should be submitted to [email protected]
A full list of Registrar forms can be found at